
A simple lightweight date-picker, with no external dependencies

Static date-pickers

To show a static, always-present, date picker, simply create it and point it at a container element.

Please note that we can easily subscribe to notifications regarding when the user selects the date.

Date-picker goes here:
<div id=container></div>
<div id=result></div>

new DatePicker().show('#container').on('change', function(date) {
    document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = date.toString();

It will produce the following content:

Date-picker goes here:

To have a date-picker that automatically picks up the content of an input-field, simply point it at an input-field instead of a container-element.

We do have to open the date-picker manually, either by having a button for it or by registering onblur and onfocus on the input.

Date-picker goes here:
<input name=date value="15-02-2012">
<button onclick="dp.toggle('input[name=date]')">Toggle date-picker</button>

var dp = new DatePicker({ dateFormat: 'd-m-y' })

Again, the results:

Date-picker goes here:

It automatically picks up the current value in the text-field, and puts the selected value back in there.

The DatePicker can also be used for formatting and parsing dates:

var date = DatePicker.parseDate('2012/05/30', 'y/m/d')